We Only Do One Thing... DOORS!
Saving The World... One Door At A Time!

Saving The
World... One Door
At A Time!
Over 40 Yrs. Experience
Residential and Commercial Door and Garage Door Repair and Replacement in Southern Oregon

One thing to think about. Garage door springs are dangerous.
I've had customers defer to my experience after a spring tore them up, and then broke their arm. Winding the spring appears to be where the trouble lies.

Save Me
Door Guy!

Foiled Again!
What I see most often with sliding glass doors is that when wheels wear out, it gradually gets harder and harder to open the door. I have had customers give me a doctor's prescription to get their door fixed in order to prevent carpal tunnel surgery.

Maybe if I bang
my head on the door that will help!
Your storefront door welcomes your customer into your business and says "Please stay and buy something". Or -it won't let them in, fights them on the way in, beats them or maims them. And then hits them on the rear end on the way out and says "Don't ya come back now, Ya hear!".

The Door Guy services and repairs doors and locks only. New installations of storefront, garage, sliding glass and entry doors are referred or performed by subcontractors working under their company's worker's compensation insurance.